no ordinary irish girl
just a teenage girl revealing our true teen secrets... life has changed alot since the STONEAGE ''
Monday, July 12, 2010
fired... FOREVER!
so luke fired john, but john wasnt having it and they started a fist fight next to the HCL - hydrocloric acid (ACID)
and before they knew it, john had fallen into the tank and luke ran away..
the acid burned johns skin and into his organs gradually burning his flesh until it had reached his spinal cord where he was paralysed as he burnt and drowned in the acid tank.. luke thought he had fired john, luke never knew it would be forever
1000 WAYS TO DIE #658
my incident with jake....

clubbing S.O.S

Sunday, July 11, 2010
dear, its gay deer

im atheist

for those of you who dont know what this symbol means, i will show you the light :D
its eh, the symbol for atheism, it means that those who carry it or use it have no religious beliefs what-so-ever. and i for one, am an atheist. like many teens these days, we are forced to go to church and mass by our parents and even our schools.
i go to a catholic school, where prayers are said at the start of class and regular masses take place. i was baptised, made my commuinion, had a confrimation.. the next step is to be a nun. that isnt ever going to happen, i lost my faith when i was confirmed.. i reject all religions and am sick of being forced to practice religion. in mass i dont recieve communion and when my class say prayers i dont join in, but i stand up with them in respect for their beliefs, and not to piss anyone off, but it is the biggest load of shite EVER.

having fun hurts other people...