Sunday, July 11, 2010


ever since i was young ive had an obsession witht he titanic, the real one that is.. and then i watched the movie of it.. my obsession remained but.. who in their right mind would throw that away??? ahem* this old looney..
the least she could do is give it to her grand daughter!! that would pay for her car.. and clothes. set for life!!! but nooo, she has to chuck it in the ocean to be ''wise and noble'' bloody old women.. and she went on a fecking helicopter! she might have a heart condition!!! and then putting her on a big aul boat/ship/dingy.. she could have mental breakdown!!! do people ever think! and did you see what she brought with her?! some people bring rat-dogs but noo she has to bring her fish, how did she get that through airport security? the fish could have crack inits fishy food..
the woman should've been put in a home and the necklace should've been given to her grand children... god... general knowledge here lads :D

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